Flower Essences – The Alchemy of Nature

I love working with flower essences. To me they are like little friends and storytellers. Each bottle which has the healing energy of a flower, plant or tree, tells a story of the issue that the person is experiencing and after either taking the essence orally or using it in an aura spray, the positive vibration of that flower helps helps to heal the aura.

I have been working with flower essences for 20 years and they never cease to amaze me in their accuracy. I use a pendulum and dowse over the boxes of essences to see what comes up for the person and each one that comes up is always accurate and eerily spot-on for the person and what is happening in their life. This is indeed synchronicity at its best   Synchronicity was a coin termed by the psychiatrist, Carl Jung when he was working with the tarot cards   Synchronicity is something we all experience in life, it is in the moment when everything has meaning. So when someone chooses a flower card or I dowse for a remedy, what comes up in that moment has huge meaning for the person involved    The essences work in a subtle way and can affect the person physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. People often find that as they change on an inner level, then things happen in the external world and they can then move forward   I have many case histories from over the years, and each one is different as each person is an individual with different needs.    One of my most recent clients came because she wanted to shift certain patterns within herself that were causing her to attract the wrong relationship to her. The first essence that came out for her was to do with male issues going back to the father figure and indeed she has had a difficult relationship with her father which then reflected in many of her relationships. The other remedy that came up was for low self-esteem that she has suffered with for many years, another remedy for guilt which was spot-on and another one came up for exhaustion and that was exactly how she was feeling. There were other remedies as well but I just illustrate these few to show you how it can work. I make up a bottle that the person takes orally for two weeks or one can have an aura spray that one sprays above one’s head and shoulders and it works directly on the aura to Balance and heal. One may need more remedies and it depends on the persons history   One of my favourite flower essences is from the Boab tree because it deals with releasing negative generational and family trauma. And I find that this is very prevalent these days   I have many families of essences and the main one that I use are the Australian bush essences as I have a great resonance  with them. Indeed when I hold the bottle or the person chooses a flower card, other information comes to me intuitively   When a client has a flower essence consultation, it is almost like having a reading. Once I have dowsed all the remedies then I put the chosen essences in a row and we then have the storytelling time with the flowers telling us what is happening in the persons life and it is very insightful for the client and very healing and there may be some counselling and the client is able to open up about their feelings and story   If you would like to know more about this fascinating healing system from nature, or would like a session, please contact me and have a look at the aura sprays in the shop on the website   Much love
