Golden Light Healing is my own unique healing that I have developed over the years.
This has been in response to needing to go further than the more structural Bowen therapy and work on deeper levels as in emotional, mental and soul. Clients started coming to see me and wanted change and transformation as well as resolution of their physical pain. Symptoms and pain are an indication of a deeper issue in one’s life.
I had a dream one night where I saw myself doing healing on a person on my treatment table. As I was working over the spine, golden light appeared and danced around the room and then touched onto areas of the spine. I woke up knowing that I would call this new healing, Golden Light Healing and activation.
A consciousness shift is such an important aspect in any healing
Golden healing was born in response to this need over the last few years and as I opened up to other realms of spirit and my team of guides, I found I could communicate with the body and energy field and discover the core issue.
I use a simple form of Health and Energy intuition to ‘see’ what is happening in key areas of your body and energy field.
I find that I am able to sense and feel energetically where blockages are in the body and energy field. I prefer sessions online as I work with my eyes closed as I see a lot of images clairvoyantly. Once I can sense and feel where blockages are, I direct the healing energies where needed to release and rebalance the flow. I may have intuitive information coming to me regarding your body, health, trauma, energy or life and I tell you this at the end.
With healing work, it is important to find the cause of the issue, whether it is physical pain, emotional trauma, mental patterns or spiritual blocks.
I tune in to sense where it is coming from and it could even be past lives.
All of this is individually tailored to your needs and life.
Trance mediumship and trance healing is a fascinating subject and I have studied with the renowned psychic Medium Tony Stockwell. This process allows me to go into a deeper state of consciousness where other beings can blend and aid in the healing process. in this light trance, I can feel hands on mine directing the energy to where it needs to go. It is as if hundreds of souls are joining in and adding a huge boost of powerful energy.
This session with the Golden healing can also be very beneficial for those on the path of going into 5D consciousness as well as those wishing to connect with their starbeing essence.
Prices & booking:
Appointments are available Online or phone
What Clients Say
I offer energetic healing which does not serve as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.
This is not a replacement for your medical and psychological issues
When you request a healing session, you are acknowledging that you have read this disclaimer, that you understand it, are in agreement and give consent to the healing session.
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